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JShaft team joins ObjectWeb JASMINe project

We met JASMINe team after LSM 2006.
The Objectweb JASMINe project aims to develop an administration tool dedicated to Java EE (Apache, JOnAS, EasyBeans, ...), MOM (JORAM, ...) or SOA distributed applications (Orchestra, Bonita, Petals, ...) in order to facilitate the job of the system administrator.
It relies on advanced management features and on autonomous behaviour capabilities to reduce the management costs of such architectures.
Given that JShaft and JASMINe have common aims, and JASMINe offers more functionalities than JShaft, we decided to join our efforts.
Visit the JASMINe web site for more details about this great project.

Libre Software Meeting

You can download the slideshow of the JShaft technical session that has been presented in the Middleware Conference here.

JShaft Documentation first release

The first release of the documentation is available here.

JShaft on SourceForge

The JShaft project is now hosted on SourceForge.

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